Monday 5 May 2014


This is a rare competition where the opposing team is not competing at the same location.  It is in two different and far locations, one in Sunway Pyramid while the other is at Mines Shopping Mall.  The game chosen is BOWLING.  We call this INVISIBLE BOWLING COMPETITION.
The similarity is that this is an individual match using the same lane numbers.

SUNWAY PYRAMID Bowling Centre.  That 'kejohanan' is not for us.
Confirm that lane numbers, 7 and 8.

Thanks to these young people, they can set the naming on the scoreboard quite easily.  We decided to compete invidually here, our ladies of Joey, Chun Hoon, Miss Tan, and my wife Miss A.

  Unfortunately, our friend Miss Tan choose to sit out of the match, finger injury she said.  I had no choice but to replace and acting as a lady here.  Just for this match okay.....
If only I am not injured.

My favourite colour is blue.
 Let the game begins.  Just focus on the prize today ladies.  Strange enough we forgot to mention about the prize, but our ladies here are just too eager to start.  Remember we are not only competing among ourselves, we compete with those guys at different location.
What am I talking about?


Another duel.  Did I say ladies game just now?

Joey got a strike?  Check the score sheet.
Chun Hoon strike on the second frame, not Joey.
It was a rather tough competition and all of a sudden, all frames completed and the final score was displayed.  Since both are A, I would assume the first A on the scoresheet is me, Abidin....hehehe
 There was a slight technical glitches on the scoring for J and C, so I could not show the final score for them.  But they did well, we all did well and had a lot of fun.

Peace no war.
 In the meantime, at different location, a group of energetic guys are taking their time with their lunch knowing well that the bowling ladies are invisibly challenging them.

I better massage my finger enough.
These guys think they have been waiting too  long for the match that day that they have decided to do some shopping and massaging first.

Yawn yawn.....

When is the bowl going to start.
Mines Bowling Centre.
And eventually the organizer is here, at the counter to arrange for the match.  Don't forget lanes 7 and 8 ya....

Lane 7 and 8 please.
Is this a video game?

Lanes ready, competitors ready, let's start.

Buy me a Uniqlo if you loose.  What? You are not playing?
Mr. A miss again.

At last, here is the final score.  As usual, many of us has initial A, so I can choose which A I actually am.  Frankly, it is the first A on the left.  Ya you are right, no strike at all.  As usual.
Clear winner at 110 points.
From the score sheet you can see the clear winner is Mr. M on lane 8, but then there was a complaint after the match, and the organizer decided to award the winner to Mr A who originally got 106 points.  Hehe now you can guess who is that Mr A.  Guess guys.

Prizes later, the losers must pay for the lunch.  Actually there was no losers.  This is merely a friendly and family matches, but rules is rules ha.  Thanks to those who paid for the lunch. 

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